From Impoverished to Employer!

Kala smiles as she greets her employees. This morning she woke up feeling grateful - her dreams of being a business owner had finally been realized. In a few minutes her team will head to the market to sell their handmade products. The shampoo, detergent, and pain balm they learned to make in Sister India’s Self Help Training Program have proven to be popular items!

At 36 years old, Kala has spent most of her adult life teaching. But when the pandemic drove her and many of her fellow villagers out of work her small family struggled to make ends meet. Kala knew she needed to find a solution and turned to the skills she’d learned through Sister India.

Her initial customers were her neighbors and friends, but Kala’s goods sold quickly. As demand rose, she asked a few Sister India students who were also out of work to join in her endeavor. Their class facilitator, Mr. Isha, learned of their initiative and was so impressed he told Kala he would make a financial investment to allow her to rent a shop in the market.

Kala is amazed at the changes in her life over the past few years! She is so thankful she had the opportunity to learn the skills that allowed her to change not only her own life, but the lives of her four employees. Once day laborers, they are now gainfully employed. The stability of their employment allows them to provide for their families and save for their futures.

We are always inspired by our students’ determination. Given the opportunity and means to take charge of their lives, women like Kala can do amazing things. Thank you for giving her the chance to make an impact.