Protecting Childhood

The International Labor Organization defines child labor as “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.”

This work is typically dangerous and interferes with the child’s schooling. In India, children are found working in the mining, textile and construction industries.

Children ages 5 - 14 are disproportionately affected, and girls are more often sent to work, so their brothers can go to school.

They often work in dangerous conditions through long, difficult days.

As your support educates the impoverished and illiterate, you are also setting daughters and sons free from laboring to support their families.  Most Sister India students end their reliance on their children’s labor, and send them to school instead.

Because of your kind support, the cycle of child labor can be broken in a girl’s life, setting her free to go to school!

Sister India

Sister India